Seminar by and for norwegian theatre students
I was in 2009 responsible for the organization and decoration of the partylocation at 'Glasnost', a festival held by the students at Norwegian Theatre Academy for film and theatre-students in Norway. It was held in a beautiful stone basement rented from 'Festningsbyen' in Fredikstad. The challenge was mainly to make two very long and narrow spaces into cosy mingling and dancing locations, and judging from the mood of the evening my floor-sitting-groups and drapes from the ceiling did their job.
"Glasnost er et arrangement for studenter ved Akademi for Scenekunst i Fredrikstad, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, Høgskolen i Nord Trøndelag og Den Norske Filmskolen på Lillehammer. Ved disse fire statlige kunstutdanningene utdannes film- og teaterkunstnere innenfor ulike fagfelt. Siden 2005 da arrangementet ble avviklet for første gang, har GLASNOST utviklet seg til å bli en årlig begivenhet for fremtidens film- og teaterkunstnere."
The festival official webpage (in Norwegian)
I was in 2009 responsible for the organization and decoration of the partylocation at 'Glasnost', a festival held by the students at Norwegian Theatre Academy for film and theatre-students in Norway. It was held in a beautiful stone basement rented from 'Festningsbyen' in Fredikstad. The challenge was mainly to make two very long and narrow spaces into cosy mingling and dancing locations, and judging from the mood of the evening my floor-sitting-groups and drapes from the ceiling did their job.
"Glasnost er et arrangement for studenter ved Akademi for Scenekunst i Fredrikstad, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, Høgskolen i Nord Trøndelag og Den Norske Filmskolen på Lillehammer. Ved disse fire statlige kunstutdanningene utdannes film- og teaterkunstnere innenfor ulike fagfelt. Siden 2005 da arrangementet ble avviklet for første gang, har GLASNOST utviklet seg til å bli en årlig begivenhet for fremtidens film- og teaterkunstnere."
The festival official webpage (in Norwegian)